Friday 27 June 2014


Helloo my lovelies, 

Being the end of the week, and I have nothing better to do with my Friday afternoon, I thought I would write a new post for you all. After having created my blog and put up my first post, I was actually very surprised to find that people had read it and some had even followed me. All I have to say to that is thankyou soo much, and welcome to this new little family I have created.
Today I thought that I would write a little about inspiration and why I thought I would start writing this blog. Basically, I have been following the British bloggers such as Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter for a long time, and look up to them massively. How they put in so much effort just to please people they don't know, and how they actually love and care about the people that read and watch! I wanted to be able connect with people in this way and see how it feels to have people appreciate what you write in your free time, when there is no pressure for anything. Also one of my bestest friends has her own blog and watching her build that up and the time that it must take to put such a professional piece together, will always astound me. I know that I will never have millions and millions of followers and this will never become a full time job but this little place that I can actually call my own and have no one else tell me what to do on it, really already brings me joy! 

If any of you reading this have any suggestions of what you would like me to write about next time, I would love to hear them so please feel free to leave them in the comments below! That would be absolutely fabuloso!

But for now, cheerio my chums and spread your glitter wherever you go x

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